Tuesday, July 7, 2009


What I know to be the truth...
Hip Hop has suffered a terrible fate. When I say this, I am repping for everyone who ever stood in their bedroom or bathroom mirror, rapped the Showstopper with MAD feelin. I watched her grow up and now I'm watching her go through it . She's taking some blows, like a woman scanning the global in search of her one true love. She had it once, love. It embodied her and nurtured her for many years only to get lost and has been missing for far too long.

Now as you can tell, I am a HIP HOP HEAD to the fullest - I DON'T PLAY WHEN IT COMES TO MY HIP HOP! It hurts to see the way they treatin'my girl and I've had ENOUGH. And let me tell you something, I know what I like & what I can't stand (what my street compadres would call "wack as hell"). There are a few artists still out here that have stayed true to the art and they gettin' down. But most of the garbage out here now...man, please. They findin' people that don't even know how to rap, literally, and giving them record deals. Think of all the cats you done heard that just be killin' it. Now think of them dudes that sing "Stinky Leg".....COME ON!!!!

Just recently, I found myself on My space just mad. Why? 1. 'Cuz dis kids are outta control. 2. WTF are they listening to? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some old head that's the biggest hater in the land. I love everybody - OK, at least I try anyway. But Yo, how does Soldier Boy have a career for real? That cat ain't doing nothing but hoopin' and hollerin' over tracks with two verse chants. WHAT? You couldn't get away with that back in the day. IT JUST WASN'T HAPPENIN'! PERIOD. The requirement of skills is obsolete. In it's replacement is the marketing and promotion of big booties, big cars, and big lifestyles to be gotten by any means necessary. Now put that in the face of a kid in the ghetto who fails out of 8th grade. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a phat bootie every now and then like the next man, but at some point you have to realize what's happenin'. Stop and think.

I came across this dude, MAK Legend and I am starting to feel like Hip Hop had finally found a cool dude to bring home. I was listening to his cuts with my friend and he was trashin' him saying, "Man that sound like gospel rap. I don't do gospel rap". But when you actually listen to it, he says a few cuss words, and it wasn't all crazy. Strangely enough, it fit in context to the message, the delivery and the feeling of what he was talking about. It was hot. I dug it. You know, traditional gospel music has always rejected Hip Hop/Rap because of the negative influences it has placed in the Black community. I can not argue with that point, but unfortunately Hip Hop has only mirrored the lives of the people who have created it. Listening to this guy, I can tell he is not some soft or church-y type dude. He seems like a real person. I can identify with that. I really appreciate the message he is trying to send, I just hope that he doesn't get lost in the bottom of the mixtape pile at a record company.

Hear it for yourself....

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